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Declarations of Love

Declarations of Love It was a quiet moment under the starlit skies when these beautiful words were whispered to me: He said, “I declare, with sincerity, the shades of love dwelling in my heart for thee. A declaration of pure and serene love for you, my dearest love. A precious gift sent to me from the stars above”. And as the seasons changed, and time moved along, in a Valentine's Day card, he wrote: “I pledge a love undying and profound, A love where emotions and feelings know no bounds, A Love as deep as the ocean’s depth, where no distance or time could ever dim the eternal flame in my heart. A love cherished from the very start”. And during a period of separation, when the gossip started, doubts came along and tried to sway. A letter arrived, and this was what he had to say, “Like the mighty Oak rooted deep and firm, I will love you until the end and will take your name in my last breath. And If it were possible, I would love you even after death”. His words of reassurance as he was a thousand miles away. During the separation, my love grew stronger and stronger, and when he returned, I confessed my feelings, “From this moment, I give you my heart, for deep inside, the sweetest of love resides, a rare treasure. So, hold on to it, for this token of love is beyond all measure”. But sadly time and distance took their toll, for in his warm brown eyes was a coldness and nothing of the old loving spark. For in his eyes, I found my truth, and at that moment we became two strangers, and the light in my heart just went dark. by Zyrool

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Date: 5/8/2024 6:51:00 AM
This is a good read about a silver tongued poet friend who has little loyalty. It reminds me of a long divorce, the waiting for what? I enjoyed the clever rhyme, steady meter, and deep meaning.
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Gifford Avatar
Zyrool Gifford
Date: 5/8/2024 7:04:00 AM
Thank you my friend, for your beautiful words of encouragement and support. You are truly a blessing to me. Sending the Lord’s Blessings your way. Have a wonderful day, Hilda.
Date: 5/7/2024 9:10:00 AM
A lovely romantic poem..
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Gifford Avatar
Zyrool Gifford
Date: 5/7/2024 9:26:00 AM
Thank you my friend. Have a fabulous day/night
Date: 5/6/2024 7:00:00 PM
Bittersweet poem Zyrool. Are you new to poetry soup? Welcome! Awesome free verse
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