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Death's Demise

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Clothed in deception you made your entrance at the dawn of earth’s history. Through sin, you entered the world and our race has not been able to fathom your mystery. You were to be the consequence of disobedience, but the deceiver promised Eve enlightenment. When Cain killed Abel you claimed your first victim much to your heart’s content. You have a penchant for claiming your victims en masse as in the cataclysmic flood. Whether men or women, young or old, you do not care, all you want is humanity’s blood. Your tools of trade are wars, famines, pestilences, and genocide. O how many victims you claim with suicide, infanticide, and other forms of homicide. Like a tyrant you rule as day follows night, subduing your victims with your power and might. But the resurrection of Lazarus should give you hint, that your end is surely in sight. Be warned you bully your dominion is not complete, Moses and Elijah point to a future time of sweet relief. Soon to be realized by those who in Jesus place their firm belief. In the fullness of time, you met your match when you came face to face with Jesus, God’s Son. You and the grave conspired to hold him fast because if you succeeded the battle would be won. He was battered and bruised and nailed to a cross, then he said, “It is finished” and gave up the Ghost. Then it was your turn with Satan and demons, soldiers and sealed tomb, to be his eternal host. The day of your triumph was the Preparation day called Friday It was followed by the Sabbath, so in the tomb, He decided to stay. Then came Sunday, the third day in earth’s womb. Twas the day when our Savior came forth from the tomb. He came forth with life original and unborrowed. Then mocked and scorned you because you were swallowed, by His glorious victory, which gives to His children a life of assurance, that one day they will praise Him, for their glorious deliverance.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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