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Death of a Lawyer’s Reputation

Though I’m not Humpty Dumpty, I’ve had a great fall When I tripped over my lies while walking truth’s wall. Can all the king’s horses and all the king’s men Ever convince people I’m honest again? Where went my stature and my hard-earned persona? Who’ll save my soul? Will they do it pro bono? Whence come truths’ flames when you’re discovered a liar. Whence come God’s lightning and Purgatory’s fires. I have seen my future, and it bodes bleak. Its rapid erosion caused my soul to weep. All of my tears and whereto they seep Have topped off the gutters in life’s cruel streets. All this has weakened my boiling brain, And cannot save me from blame I gamed. DAMN MY PERFIDY! DAMN SIN’S PAIN! WILL I EVER ESCAPE TRUTH’S LONG REFRAIN!? Will the truth that weakened me and caused my woes Plague my soul during my reputation’s death throes? Whence comes life’s agony. Whence comes death’s pain. What is quid pro quo in death’s zero-sum game? Lies are fate’s hammers but the truth is its anvil. Will life’s vagaries still vex me once my image is strangled? Truth’s whirlpools swirl swift and their waters wind deep. If my soul dies intestate, must bad Karma I keep?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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