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Death of a King

A brutal homicide, a death of a king, a regicide, Jupiter witness closely with one of her open eyes, the Sun had a heat stroke then died, the Moon cried while the stars and all the rings of Saturn lit up the sky, Pluto put a hole in the Earth, the size of the Sun, when it was alive, the devil was castrated while his wife was circumcised, the Hell fire was completely extinguished-n-neutralized, souls giggling for their breast-n-Adam’s apples survived, the Earth’s now healed, so his temperature rised, the clouds sing, the sun’s revived, the brightness of the Sun, open up every planets eyes, in the sky they all witness a homicide, a death of a king, a descry of my demise, seen by the world’s eyes, the Earth stop breathing, until he realized my soul was still alive, in my death I’m still alive, my flesh died, but my soul survived, I died, but I’m still alive, a death of a king seen by the world’s eyes. Even the planets Underneath the Earth Seen me die, I survived Now my soul resides on the Other side of the sky Where I’m still a king

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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