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Death and Age Will Regret Their Actions

We've known since age five, And since then, we are our records You wish to die first, for me to live, I know you are fragile and afraid, What next? what next? if I am gone, Your secret mesmerise formulates, You said it on, on, and on; But please forgive me if I die first, If you read this before I am dead, Pretend you didn't read it yourself; And it wasn't for you until the end, As we never lied to ourselves. Wash the silent me, with care; make others wish they were dead, observed and whisper in my ear, Your worst innermost dread. I would have taken your worries, That place would never be unknown spot, Thy Land of no return and no mercies, I would have gotten the shortcut They would wish they never deceived, Death, and age, will regret their actions, Instead of mourning yourself, revived; And put yourself off emotions

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 3/6/2016 9:07:00 PM
epic write... Luv ~LINDA~
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Date: 1/8/2016 9:31:00 PM
deep write... SKAT
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