Dearly My Lady
Loving you lady, is more than divine
You light up my life in a radiant shine
You gracefully go in the gold of the day
To follow the flow of a bold river way
Your lips are the dells of the wells that I drink
The pink in the blues of the bells in my sink
The sweet summer smells in the fragrance of rose
That rise in the swells of the scents in my nose
Your eyes are the orbs of my heavenly sight
They sparkle and shine with a reckless delight
They chill me and fill me with starlight above
They will me to see by the light of your love
The pleasure of you is a treasure sublime
A song that is new in a poetry rhyme
The measure of you is the change that I see
A will to be true to the man that is me
A radiant glow is a powerful sight
A star-spangled show in a shower of light
A rocket's red glare in a rosy display
The proof that I care in a crimson bouquet
The heaven above is a gingerbread treat
A leaven of love in a house we can eat
A devil's delight in the bite of a bake
A prayer in the fight for an angel food cake
The woman you are is a glory complete
A paradise won by the way you compete
A soldier of love on a mission to poach
The heart of a man who is hard to approach
Dearly, my lady, my darling, my wife
I gave you my love for a beautiful life
Your gift is my part and my power to sing
The song of my heart for the flower of Spring.
Copyright © Bryan Norton | Year Posted 2022
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