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Dear Men

Dear men, Explain to me why I stand alone. Women are quick to uplift their father, sons, and brothers Quick to maintain the home, But when she needs support, A woman stands alone Explain to me why a woman has to stay in her “place” Is there no room for a woman who is more than a pretty face? Is there no room for a woman who can stimulate you intellectually Or is it a woman’s only duty to please you sexually? Explain to me why beating a woman gives you power It gives you strength Is masculinity so fragile That you can’t maintain? Without getting pleasure from pain Explain to me why your brother goes scott free When he takes advantage of a woman While she is left to be ridiculed, blamed As society throws dirt on her name And she falls victim to her own demise. I despise The men who are so oblivious to their own privilege That they think patriarchy is normal Excuse my language As I speak a bit informal For you to understand That you cannot catcall me as I walk down the street It’s disgusting and demeaning No I am not obligated to give you my number Just because you ask and think you are getting a pass at me No I don’t need you to hold the door open or carry my groceries I am a strong, independent woman and your belief that I am weak Is insulting No I do not have to give you my body just because you bought me a drink My body belongs to me No matter what you tell yourself or think Dear men, You can no longer say that you are ignorant to my issues or my demands Because I have clearly listed it for you to see. Now only a real man Will know, that women deserve equity

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 12/2/2022 11:44:00 PM
Well there are just so many pitfalls out there Kapree.' I agree at points' then think of other Realities. To be fair we are all indivuduals also There is learned behaviour good or bad' I have Seen women using wiles I have seen men at Their worst.' I did a piece on twitter about how I extracted a girl from an intended rape situation I had to physically threaten them.' so i am not Writing without experience here I'd say more Positivity needs to be taught on many levels To acheive better'
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Maverick Avatar
Joe Maverick
Date: 12/2/2022 11:45:00 PM
It was two men, just to be Correct.'
Date: 6/25/2021 1:51:00 PM
Very powerful. I'm sure every woman reading this could relate to at least one thing, if not more. really thought invoking. Thank you for sharing.
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Date: 8/4/2019 10:20:00 PM
Powerful and on point my friend. Blaze the trail for those of lost, as some are, not know are worth. Red roses in a lovely hand blown vase. Ann
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Date: 4/28/2019 8:47:00 AM
Hi Kapree: I echo your sentiments and your discourse reminds me that I told my daughters long ago that someday there will be a Me Too generation. my oldest is now 52. Keep on writing!
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Date: 4/27/2019 9:23:00 PM
Thought provoking and honest.
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Date: 4/3/2019 7:32:00 PM
You are right. Women must demand and never accept less. Powerful and worthwhile words shared.
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Date: 2/26/2019 9:31:00 PM
Thank you so much everyone! I truly appreciate hearing all the feedback as well as critiques. It is hard to be vulnerable and put my work on the line but with all of the support it definitely makes it easier. #womenempowerment
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Date: 2/24/2019 1:44:00 PM
Hello Kapree, ,wow! Y. This poem is diffeeent. Have a nice day my friend.
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Date: 2/19/2019 10:56:00 AM
Powerful and thrillingly voiced. One small suggestion, where you use "scot free", which has some dubious cultural history, how about "un-free" which I think might be more in keeping with your own psychological thesis. Regardless, this is brilliant and so timely. And you speak for repressed and suppressed and depressed gay men as well.
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Date: 2/10/2019 5:04:00 PM
Also I gave you a Fave.
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Date: 2/10/2019 5:02:00 PM
I am 66. I would love to have someone whistle at me and would love even more to have someone ask me for my phone number. I enjoyed your poem very much. It is well written and well said but don't be so hard on the brothers. If you want to know what heartbreak, love and loneliness are all about, read my poems. I have had years of it and still hope for the dream.
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Date: 12/31/2018 1:14:00 PM
A very necessary message from a brave woman! Thanks for sharing this insightful poem
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Date: 12/31/2018 7:20:00 AM
I have three daughters and I want them to read this poem, it is soooooo good! You have collected the thoughts of all womanhood and laid them out clearly. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
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Date: 11/6/2018 7:19:00 PM
Well said Kapree however I do appreciate someone holding a door for me and deferring to me as a WOMAN because that is what I am. I am a LADY and want to be treated like one. He is just being a GENTLEMAN when he holds a door or carries something heavy for me. I agree some men are very over bearing but there are still some intelligent and considerate gentlemen out there too and they need to know they are appreciated. A fine write though. God Bless, JB
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Date: 2/21/2018 10:40:00 AM
Dear Kapree, I agree with all you write, well nearly. If I open a door for a lady its out of respect! Not because I think she weak or fragile, what the heck! If you opened a door for me I'd thank you most graciously. If saw anyone, ere their gender, struggling with baggage I would ask if they would like some help. Should you ever see me struggling I'd like to you'd do same for me, well I am a fragile 73. Run out of space but I will continue by virtue of replying to myself... Mick
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Mick Talbot
Date: 2/21/2018 11:03:00 AM
I think the whistling thing is silly, and I think you'll find most ladies find its complementary. I've whistled at some famous artwork, its beauty. There is one artist I catcall all the time, mother nature, our creator, her works of art, sublime. Apart from the blatantly obvious were equal and its time all men agreed, governments, and some if not all religions too. There is disrespect of females some, no, both seem, or do condone. No your not alone Kapree, apart from aforementioned I agree let equity prevail! With much respect, and good intent... Mick
Date: 2/15/2018 1:43:00 AM
Kapree I have to fave this poem; the world needs more women like you. I truly believe that when women have more of an equal amount of respect from men true evolution will begin. The true artist, the perfect human is the perfect balance of Ying and Yang --- gentle and strong. If the women fall, the men will follow... I read your replies below and was very impressed:-)
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Kapree Tripp
Date: 2/20/2018 2:26:00 PM
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! We definitely need more men like you out in this world
Date: 2/3/2018 8:43:00 AM
A very nice written poem, I really like the message you have given through your poem, there are precautions that we must take like not trusting anyone, always ask God for help and again over trusting can be dangerous as satan is with everyone, my mother always taught me to respect women and well it also have a negative affect like I can t see a girl in the face, I m too shy for it, I can t talk to a girl, because I m too shy but still I still know how to respect a girl, and I m proud of it
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Kapree Tripp
Date: 2/20/2018 2:34:00 PM
I really like and appreciate this comment! You have an amazing mom and it's even more amazing that even though there are challenges you still respect woman!
Date: 9/14/2017 6:39:00 PM
I was taught to be kind to all, I hold the door for men and women, I don't think being courteous has such a negative connotation as you portray, it sounds like you have not met a real man, if you want to know what a real man is check out my poem, Real Man.
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Kapree Tripp
Date: 9/14/2017 8:15:00 PM
I'm not trying to make being courteous sound like a bad thing. I'm saying that a lot of guys are only courteous because they are taught that women are weak so that's why they have to open doors and hold groceries for women,etc. I have met some real mean but just because you are a real man doesn't mean that you recognize your own privilege.
Date: 9/9/2017 3:28:00 PM
Tripp.... Be sure of onething... It is not all men that are embroided with such faults. It talks observation to figure such folks out. This poem is more of a feminist movement. Where the poet advocates for equity(for women). But do you agree that If given some women will misuse the privilege of equity to some extent?
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Kapree Tripp
Date: 9/12/2017 3:53:00 PM
That is actually a part of the issue right there. It is impossible for women to "misuse" something that should have been given to them in the first place.
Date: 9/9/2017 4:58:00 AM
A thought provoking work we have here... Congrats Kapree, for having your poem featured in the PoetrySoup homepage!! ;-)
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Kapree Tripp
Date: 9/9/2017 1:38:00 PM
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Kapree Tripp
Date: 9/9/2017 1:37:00 PM
Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment !
Date: 9/9/2017 4:24:00 AM
The fight is not over Kapree, there will always be "men" who try to keep women down to make themselves look better. Stand tall, stand proud.
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Kapree Tripp
Date: 9/9/2017 1:38:00 PM
Thank you so much! I definitely plan to keep pushing forward
Date: 9/4/2017 1:51:00 AM
How do women stand alone on this issue when you say that certain (i.e. "real" men) support your contention? Are you writing this to all men, or to men who didn't acknowledge your perspective beforehand?
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Kapree Tripp
Date: 9/4/2017 9:43:00 AM
This is for all men. There are lots of men out there that know women deserve equity but still do certain things that are demeaning to women. Others are just blinded by their privilege or do not want to give it up.
Date: 8/30/2017 11:52:00 AM
Well AMEN Welcome your craft is welcome here, wonderfully put and accurate. I agree with Mr. Williams. I might add that a woman is a jewel, a treasure, a daughter, a bride of God. Easy to say hard to do but when a man fails a woman by abuse, neglect, all other forms of negativity. Must forgive these transgressions. Young boys in these times need both men and women with the community to train up the child (boys girls) But the bible not mans way or the way of now 2017. Blessings peace James :D
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Date: 8/23/2017 6:50:00 PM
We must realize our own faults, a man or a women. Also, whether we be out of order or over-ruling someone. Note: I believe now more then ever that the foundations on this or close to what is right before the Lord is very broken. The Lord will certainly judge us on this points. This why we need Jesus, Amen.
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Date: 8/23/2017 6:41:00 PM
We should not blame each other as Adam and Eve. Yes, we should point out our short comings in love as the scriptures say. The blame game is part of the human nature we got in Adam and Eve. And both the naturalness to sin. Only over come in the Holy Spirit and the words of Jesus Christ. Note: the enemy try's to play on both side.
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