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Dear Dada

Dear dada add an “ist” to it all I reject in the face of it all Aestheticism true beauty is found in the ugliness of it all peaking out under coverlets of mud throwing spit balls of pulchitrude wrapped up time bombs that stick to the banal unexpected beauty … of it all, ambitious edges and curves open and inviting accompanied by caveats there will be splendid over-ripe gardens of Eden followed teasingly in close pursuit, by the madhatters’ tea parties and Hugos' balls rooms too large, and rooms too small it’s all rather simple underneath the dirt of it all precious and most expensive jewels are found smudged kisses mascara stained cheeks of Cinderellas holding spaces for roses are red and violets are blue daisy chains of love me love me knots tightly tied small victories virtues held and lost, conquests stroking glass slippers drinking in the gins and espousing their 3 wishes looking for long lost Kings failing that, settling for paupers, not princes their crystal balls over brave and missing the mark shattering then later lying unclaimed under the sun melting through the flaws Dear dada add an “ist” to it all escapist artist tourist minimalist extremist illusionist fatalist but never realist escape artist mud wrestling naked in poetic jello, at the Cabaret Voltaire Candide Diderot. ‘24 Dadaist.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/25/2024 4:00:00 PM
Ahh, a philosopher after my own heart. Dear Candide, Your poem is a breathtaking journey through the complexities of life, beauty, and perception. The way you build words into imagery is nothing short of mesmerizing. Each line is a revelation, challenging norms and embracing the essence of existence. Such profound insights and poetic brilliance. It's a masterpiece that resonates deeply. A FAV for me! One philosopher to another, Blessings, Daniel
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Candide Diderot
Date: 1/26/2024 1:01:00 AM
Thank you.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry