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Deadly Rort

From my cold dead hands The NRA and their dumb demands How can we take them seriously When they act so damned imperiously If you are smart though you’ll take heed You'll ignore the fear they strive to breed With Fox News spreading shock and terror We’re Consuming their garbage now more than ever Politicians are ruthlessly sold and bought, Meanwhile their care for us is nought Simply self serving their own re-election sought Acting with impunity never fearing they’ll get caught The youth of today will see their terms cut short A result of the deadly lesson they’ve tragically been taught A change must result, not with a gun but with a thought Our kids will show us the way a peaceful war is fought So keep your guns NRA, just please use them for sport Not to keep the money rolling in with this deadly rort.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 4/25/2018 9:26:00 PM
A well penned rort indeed. I wish it wasn't so close to the truth. A strong poem, Jeff.
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