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D Daystar from on high, visit us this day; A arise within us for your Spirit is truth. Y You are the Light which saves us from deception S so we may serve YOU without fear, without pride. T Teach us to act with grace, forgiveness and mercy A as You shine through us to all who walk in darkness. R Righteous Redeemer, reveal your path to peace.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 8/21/2024 9:33:00 PM
Reason, CONGRATS on your win with this reverent, moving prayer. Janice
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 9/1/2024 4:11:00 AM
Thank you, Janice. I appreciate your kindness.
Date: 8/18/2024 11:11:00 AM
It is excellent to acknowledge "You are the Light (nice on the Capital for the L) which saves us from deception" and we all need to learn to act with grace. I also like that your last line, feels like a short prayer. Excellent job on your poem and congrats on your placement in my contest.
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 9/1/2024 4:13:00 AM
Miranda, I appreciate your contest and your comment . Thank you for the placement; God's wisdom lights the way to His joy and peace. He is able; no He is almighty beyond understanding.
Date: 8/18/2024 4:53:00 AM
Peace is what the world is lacking. Only God our redeemer can give us peace and He, the Great Star can give us light. Beautifully written acrostic. Congratulations dear poet friend on your win.
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 12/20/2024 1:03:00 PM
Right on, Valsa. I appreciate your encouraging remarks and apologize for the late response. Enmity and Envy have to be the world's solution and neither promotes Peace.
Date: 8/5/2024 5:00:00 PM
Lovely, Reason!
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 8/5/2024 7:03:00 PM
I thank you, Kim for support.
Date: 8/5/2024 2:17:00 PM
enjoyed the spiritual flow of this write, surely gave me light and grace!
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 8/5/2024 7:04:00 PM
Thanks, Nette, I welcome your reply with open arms. So good to hear from you again.

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