Day by day
My father
You keep me alive
Day by day
Here on the planet
Also I been
Living here on earth for
58 years
And I must tell you
That I love living
Here on earth
Also I pray every night
For you my father
I never forget to pray for you father
Before you made the earth
You had made the sky
For the birds to fly
Also you made the birds
With you holy hands
And I must say that the birds are beautiful
also it is wonderful
To see them flying in the sky
Day by day
When I woke up
This morning early
Th sun was out
And it was not that hot yet
I know that It will be
Hot at noon
Also there is no sign of rain yet
I took a look at the sky
And that was what I saw
That was what we are having
The heat warning
For a long time now
And that is very bad for people who
Heart problem and asthma
I am very lucky that I have an
Air condition
In my bedroom
I have not gone out
Because of the heat
And also the heat
Attracted the bees
I am sleeping in every morning
And I am getting up
At 4:00 pm
And I go to my living room
And I turning my computer on
Also I do some work
For my father
All day today
I know that the time is going very
Fast today
Now it was already 10:00 PM
At night
I was feeling very tired now
I had turned of my computer and
I went to sleep
The next morning
Was raining finally
I could hear the rain
It was also cooling the earth
I put my rain coat
And I went for a walk
Around the block
So I could get some fresh air
Into my lungs
At 11:00 pm I returned back home
And I did some work for my father
Using my computer
Also I finished the work for my father
At 2 am
Now I finally turned the computer off
And I went to sleep
The night was made for us to sleep
By our father
Copyright © aldo kraas | Year Posted 2025
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