Dawn of Tomorrow
A surging gust of changing wind
has pushed me down a path unknown.
Engaging dreams I won't rescind
will place me at my lover's throne.
She'll gently brush her noble hand
across my soft but weary brow.
Her tenderness will take command
and to her velvet touch I'll bow.
My fire will circumvent her heart,
then cauterize the gaping hole;
a tear that ripped her realm apart
and left a chasm in her soul.
Two kindred flames ignite in dance,
which sparks a royal duet's tune.
For this hurting queen a second chance
to waltz beneath the autumn moon.
With newfound faith, my hopes she'll take
and forge a castle 'round our dream.
Emotions, dead, are now awake
to love that grows and reigns supreme
Copyright © Ron VanHooser | Year Posted 2024
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