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A plethora of bright yellow flowers; pop up in fields and lawns in early Spring. And watered by tepid April showers, swiftly spread, overtaking everything. Able to transform the ground overnight; they turn green grass into a golden fleece. And then, morph into a magical sight as pappi fill the air upon release. Although commonly known as pesky weeds, dandelions are also picked to eat. And utilizing tufts to spread their seeds; they're notoriously hard to defeat. Despite suburbanite's ongoing rants, dandelions are perennial plants.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 6/15/2023 12:45:00 PM
Indeed they are Emile. And, we forget their nutritional value as we spray and pull them from our lawns and gardens. Congrats on your win! Blessings. Guess we can't "whine" to much as we ferment their juice!
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Emile Pinet
Date: 6/15/2023 7:14:00 PM
Thanks, Sam; you always bring a smile to my day, and I appreciate it my friend; Emile.
Date: 6/12/2023 10:53:00 AM
This piece is truly remarkable and commands great power, Emile. I extend my warmest congratulations for your well-deserved Win.
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Emile Pinet
Date: 6/12/2023 12:59:00 PM
Thanks, Sotto, you have made my day with the placement and your great comments, my friend, Emile.
Date: 5/20/2023 6:37:00 PM
They make the gardeners "whine" at any rate. Great sonnet Emile
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Emile Pinet
Date: 5/21/2023 8:04:00 AM
Thanks, John; nice always, I welcome and appreciate your comments, my friend, Emile.
Date: 5/20/2023 1:45:00 PM
Dandelions named after the French "Les dents de lion" - or lion's teeth. I love your sonnet Emile and the photograph. By all accounts they make great wine too. Cheers - Gary
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Emile Pinet
Date: 5/20/2023 3:23:00 PM
Thanks, Gary; yes, and I'm sure you know, that lion's teeth name refers to their jagged leaves...I welcome and appreciate your comments, my friend, Emile.
Date: 5/20/2023 11:53:00 AM
Lovely poem, Emile. I love your ending two lines. :)
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Emile Pinet
Date: 5/20/2023 12:03:00 PM
Thanks, Ann; it is always nice to hear from you, I appreciate your comments, my friend, Emile.
Date: 5/20/2023 9:48:00 AM
A lovely sonnet, Emile. I was recently thrilled and delighted when I happened to glance out my living room window one morning and saw a single, lone dandelion standing proudly and defiantly in the grass. Later that day, I looked out again, but it was gone. Succumbed to the gardener's trimmer, I imagine. Alas. BOL in the contest.
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Emile Pinet
Date: 5/20/2023 12:01:00 PM
Thanks, Jim; I'm glad you liked it, I appreciate your comments, my friend, Emile.

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