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Dancing With Butterflies

"dancing with butterflies" as day breaks with promises butterflies gracefully shadow me causing me to be a ballerina dancing effortlessly by the sea everlasting is this moment of light forever engraved with freedom giving me a breath of oxygen holding the thought to carry on I enlist and follow the dream joining beauty of butterflies knowing they will show the way leading to extraordinary senses making the sun shine and moon glow never a hesitation or missing beat only open windows with possibilities placing my soul alive and free quietly all butterflies fly away resting knowing my spirit is whole sprinkling their grace upon me taking with them darkness and pain SkyWatcher 11-01-23

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/25/2023 9:39:00 AM
What a light-hearted poem, I love butterflies so much , I even have 3 Of them tattooed on the side of my ankle together with an evil eye in the middle, I also have butterfly T-shirts 'Quietly all butterflies fly away, resting knowing my spirit is whole' awesome words Lisa my friend. I have thought of you so often but I have been off soup for a while catching With my life - I would or will never desert you my very special friend. Blessings and hugs Jennifer.
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Date: 11/8/2023 6:48:00 AM
What a truly delightful poem dear Lisa. Such a joy to read. ‘ Butterflies gracefully shadow me’ ‘ making the sun shine and moon glow’ -gorgeous lines! So creatively written with delicacy. The last verse is very profound and very touching. A real pleasure reading today my sweet friend. Thank you! Hugs and smiles to you xx
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Ricci Avatar
Lisa Ricci
Date: 11/9/2023 4:38:00 AM
Good Morning Christina. Hi. It is I who thanks you. Truly. Thank you. Never do I take reviews visits or commentary for granted especially for such generosity. It is my hope that my work and entry deserve your praise. Truly. I will see you on your page soon. Have a beautiful morning. Peace and Blessings always (smile)
Date: 11/3/2023 4:51:00 PM
Adding this one to my FAVs list, Lisa. lovely thoughts and matching images through your poetic words, my dear friend. Butterflies are special to Sara and me. Her dad late in life took to raising them. A joyful experience for him and something that stays with us now that he has passed. Thanks for sharing this uplift poem with us. Hugs, Bill
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 11/9/2023 4:35:00 AM
Dear Bill. Good Morning. It is I who thanks you for your review and commentary to which is most generous. Yes, I love the story that I just saw from Sara of her dad. How beautiful. Truly. I'm sorry for this late response. May today be a great day in every way for both you and Sara. I will see you soon on your page. Peace and Blessings always... (smile) Thank you Thank you Bill

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