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Dance Like Snoopy

if you have to dance, dance with your hands whirling allow yourself freedom to let your feet go twirling slip and slide and throw yourself into the air without any inhibitions, do all the squirming you dare If you go dancing, do it the excited Snoopy way You will be happy that you did this, by the end of the day Clap and stomp and kick and slide, do whatever you can To show you are not afraid of a boss or disapproving old man. dance with pure happiness, throw your arms out with glee shimmy and shake, dance alongside at least three spin with happiness, give your soul opportunity for joy dance yourself into enthusiasm, making the floor your own toy.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 7/22/2023 4:32:00 PM
This is a fun write, Caren! It made me want to get up and kick up my heels! Blessings, Kim M
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 7/23/2023 4:58:00 PM
I hope that you are still dancing Kim

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