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Dad Should Have Asked First

I am not old enough to write my memoirs my great-great-uncle said. He is afraid after he writes them, he might be a bit closer to dead. He refused to even think about it, the idea made him grouchy and mad. The memory book he was supposed to fill up was bought by my imposing Dad. Dad said “I thought he would like it, and now I’m out a lot of money.” That is why you should have asked him, said my mother, adding “honey”. Honey was not happy, and neither was my uncle Charley Sinbad Gray. The situation taught me a valuable lesson that I have remembered to this day. Before you invest in something that is going to cost quite a bit, Consult the recipient to discover it they want it or will have a fit. A lesson learned in pain needs to seldom be learned again, mom said. Dad never learned the lesson, imposing his ideas, usually with his face red.

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