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D For Deception

The New World Order is the Old and New World Disorder. The Old World Order is history, and for a while, The New World Order will be a mystery, but in reality, it has no future. So much exists that seems strange; so, to the best of my understanding, let me try to explain. In God's domain called heaven, at first there was order. Disorder unfolded when Lucifer rebelled against that order. We don't know where it came from, but sin was found in him. That sin within corrupted everything Lucifer felt about God. He himself desired to be worshiped as God, and therein arose the rebellion that quickly led him astray and set him on a course of no return. That wickedness would be passed on until this day. There can never be 'world order' without The Order of God and The God of Order. Any other presumed or supposed order can easily be spelled in 9 letters: REBELLION. The present-day World Order, like all the others from ages past, is dressed up in sheep's clothing. To far too many, it sounds great, but its only power is DECEPTION. Whether it's a State ruled by a Godless Oligarchy or one governed by a Godless Democracy, the end result will be the same. DISORDER. Whether the State Order is Religious or Atheistic, it still spells DIASTER. Regardless of how we paint their numbers, their sum is always D666. The only World Order that's possible is a world ruled by JESUS CHRIST. 041622PS

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Date: 4/18/2022 12:02:00 AM
Good Friday, live and learn.
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