Czeslawa Kwoka
Czeslawa Kwoka
#26947 04/12/1943
(c) London F. Bus
Auschwitz Birkenau.
Killing is hard work,
but the schnapps is fine.
Czeslawa Kwoka the beautiful girl
with innocent eyes,
She is Polish, Catholic and only forteen,
but they dont care.
Beautiful girl tied to a chair
Beautiful girl they cut off her hair.
Beautiful girl beaten and raped.
SS killer awaits.
Syringe full of Phenol,
hidden behind his back.
Beautiful child with fear in her eyes.
Stares straight ahead,
She fights and struggles
and wont co-operate.
Click fires the camera shutter
but she wont smile,
Damn it smile! Lachein Schlampe, .
The SS sneer and laugh.
Damn it smile! .
They Punch and slap her
face again and again,
Beautiful girl, defiant, angry and in pain.
She doesn't smile, so they beat her again.
If she smiles they will kill her,
If she doesnt smile they will kill her anyway,
Like the way they
killed her mother yesterday.
Her death will be the same.
Click goes the camera again and again.
Turn sideways, click.
She is naked, blind folded
still tied to the chair.
She doesnt see it coming
The syringe full of phenol,
with a six inch needle
they stabbed it into her heart,
between the 4th and 5th intercostsl ribs.
Injecting the Phenol to end her life.
She passed out in 15 seconds,
She cried for her mother as she died.
In thirty seconds she was dead.
Then her naked body turned pink.
Her name Czeslawa means Glory..
One more dead, 250,000 children to go.
Arbeit Macht Frie.
Copyright © London F. Buss | Year Posted 2023
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