Cutting 'Up' With Double Entendres
From thee over-ewesed too letter word 'up' wee get a lot of mileage.
It has moor meanings than any other word inn thee English language.
Without reelizing it wee weave it intwo hour daily conversashuns,
Oratshuns, knowtashuns, quotashuns, summashuns and exhortashuns!
Wee pier 'up' at thee sky butt it makes know cents two say wake 'up'!
At a meating if a topic comes 'up' wee mae bee asked two speak 'up'!
Politicians ar 'up' four election and beefour exercising wee warm 'up'!
People tend two stir 'up' trouble and wee panic when a drain plugs 'up'!
She gets gussied 'up' fore a knight out and he drives bye two pick her 'up'!
Gluttons work 'up' an appetite, gorge themselves and then throw 'up'!
Wee drive a pick 'up' and if it gets rear-anded wee get it fixed 'up'!
Wee lock 'up' thee house, cover 'up' hour tracks and make excuses 'up'!
Mom dusts 'up' thee room, warms 'up' leftovers and cleans thee kitchen 'up'!
When it reigns it clouds 'up' and when thee son comes out it clears 'up'!
When it reigns it soaks 'up' thee earth and if it doesn't reign things dry 'up'!
A joke cracks ewe 'up'. If things don't go write, yore dey's awl screwed 'up'!
Stores ar opened 'up' inn thee mourning and at knight they ar closed 'up'!
Ewe use thee dictionary two look 'up' words if there meaning is mixed 'up'!
If ewe ar 'up' two it yew mite try two think 'up' moor weighs of using 'up'!
Butt four now my time is 'up' sew eye'll shut 'up' and rap this thing 'up'!
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
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Copyright © Robert L. Hinshaw | Year Posted 2011
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