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Cut on a Dead End Street

Poet's Notes

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Dead End Street Contest sponsored by John Lawless

November 15, 2023

I got off the bus after a hard day at work A storm had knocked out every street light In the gloom of despair, I saw a shadow lurk My fear of darkness reached a new height Two blocks to walk until I'd reach my home but oh, how my fright was filling me with dread I suffered from an illness called, Stygian Syndrome Fear that on a dark night I would end up dead There's never been an algorithm that's predicted when I'd be exposed to a scary night such as this I swore a maledict while my heart was conflicted wondering why I didn't run. Something was amiss It seemed as if an evil force was holding me back from taking a step in the direction I needed to go I couldn't see or hear anything in a world of black but sensed something wicked hovered near... a foe My house was the last one on the dead-end street Should I try to get there without making a sound, or should I go the other way? I wanted to retreat but didn't move before I was knocked to the ground I fought off a hundred creatures who bit my flesh Every inch of my body was torn, and I smelled blood I wished I had the courage and power of Gilgamesh! But if compared to that hero, I'd label myself a dud I wiggled my fingers and toes... counted ten and ten Afraid to move again, I doubled up in a fetal position Streetlights flickered; I saw I was surrounded by men When someone yelled, "CUT!" I had a sneaky suspicion A horror movie being filmed, but how was I to know that everything was staged on my dead-end street? I was paid for my realistic acting and used the dough for a shrink and a weekend at a sanity recovery retreat

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/25/2023 3:46:00 PM
CONGRATS on your well-deserved win, Lin! Your narrative poem has it all~~including a great twist! Janice
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Lin Lane
Date: 11/26/2023 6:11:00 AM
I truly appreciate your comments. Thanks, Janice.
Date: 11/25/2023 8:08:00 AM
Great final stanza Lin - congratulations on your podium win x
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Lin Lane
Date: 11/25/2023 8:47:00 AM
Thanks, Dilly. I've been out of town all week, so I've lots to catch up on.
Date: 11/16/2023 10:35:00 PM
Gosh, this was quite the tale!! I thought you were going to say you woke up...but no, you took a 'bit' part and stole the show on this one Lin! Great storytelling! Awesome twist at the ending :D
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Lin Lane
Date: 11/25/2023 8:52:00 AM
LOL I got everything, including 2nd place in the contest, but no emmy. Thanks, Bj.
Date: 11/16/2023 1:45:00 AM
I can assure you one thing, I wouldnt have been the only one bleeding! You got me with the twist at the end. Ive been had by the doodad:) Fun stuff, Lin:)
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Lin Lane
Date: 11/25/2023 8:51:00 AM
'had by the doodad..." That's pretty cute, Danny. Thank you.
Date: 11/15/2023 8:59:00 PM
Stitched together with dread and fear, pen work by a true storyteller and skilled wordsmith, had everything Lin....was kinda hoping it would go on for a couple more engrossing stanzas before the u turn. Sequel please...l
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Lin Lane
Date: 11/25/2023 8:51:00 AM
aww thanks, Paul. I could go on and on with writing lots of my poetry, and sometimes I do... to the chagrin of those who see a lengthy poem and go away. lol I'll see about writing a sequel for this one. That's quite a compliment. hugs
Date: 11/15/2023 8:10:00 PM
The title threw me off Lin, but that's what makes the twist all the better. You've got some great rhymes going on as well: "flesh" and "Gilgamesh". Really a clever poem. Thanks so much
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Lin Lane
Date: 11/25/2023 8:49:00 AM
I'm so glad you read it despite the title. Thanks ever so much for finding it to your liking, Jeff.
Date: 11/15/2023 5:30:00 PM
Now that’s what I call a twist. Love it, Lin. I almost wonder if you snuck into my head and had a rummage around, but, no… this is your genius… though I wish it was mine ;-) Terry
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Lin Lane
Date: 11/25/2023 8:49:00 AM
Thanks, Terry. lol at sneaking into your head. I'd only be able to peek before I'd go tumbling down a rabbit hole. That's a compliment to you.
Date: 11/15/2023 9:31:00 AM
- A creative poem for this contest, Lin - It turned out to be a scary movie - GL in the contest :) - hugs
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Lin Lane
Date: 11/15/2023 10:07:00 AM
Thanks, Anne-Lise. I had no idea where this would end up until the final verse. It may have been better ending up in the trash. lol I appreciate your comments.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry