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Do you think I care For your phony Arab spring And dead trees and hot wind I have never seen a spring without seed popping from the soil I should know I am made from the dust of the earth Spring must have rain and bring flowers Like the peace people use to sell in California Before I knew they were only exploited slaves Following someone else's agenda Muttering words that were meaningless to their existence You see what I cannot believe in what I see again I am a man of faith, and have always been Since the blindfold fell like scales of history There is no Arab spring Only the death of the old undying resistance That would not conform to nothing but self Only the death of people in the street Who does not know the puppiteer willed them For if they return from the dead What will they see Only the same old things more dilapidated than before Only the invisible hand doing visible things Killing people and calling it spring That the new world order may prevail As a new nomenclature For the same old stuff that has made us barren And berefted us of dreams I want my children to better off than I have been I can only entrust to me Sleeping at their door armed with a prayer and an angel That is who we were Before the primitive hordes came from the sea Before the sea people defied the bounds of their habitation Before our empires were stolen And we ended up in cages at the Bronx zoo Yeah, you should read that story too It is only by prayers we suruvive It is the mystic part of us, the first part they derided Calling it animism, or some dark sinister stuff Making us afraid to own ourselves We abandoned everything and found no berth In their new economic order For we were always commodities or some sort of value in exchange So those high sounding, idealistic documents They copied from what we believe but could not bring to pass Those constitutions were not about us nor our possibility For we were not construed to have humanity enough for that. Then are we suddenly men again That the Arab spring should be something more than a sinister thing. I stop believing in Trojan horses long ago I mean it is there as a gift But I will keep working the night shift When there is no moon Just remember what is the color of my skin Because all things work together for good And I cannot walk by sight in the darkness So I live by faith in season and out of season.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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