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cry freedom

Cry Freedom Not many Americans know the world is not looking westward they see the fall of the value they see the poverty of the suffering people who die of curable illnesses because they can’t pay the cost and might sell their house to cover of capitalistic health service, but let’s put that aside what Trump said about World War 2 It was Russia who won the Nazi war, albeit with help from the USA; was also Russian soldiers who freed the prisoners in concentration camps and oversaw the fall of Berlin For America, it was a profitable war, Europa had no industry left and got generous loans to start to rebuild a shattered economy America’s real war was in the Pacific a colonial war against Japan who had taken Indochina which was America’s playground the US won that war by dropping two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this caused total surrender and the US was back ruling over Indochina America as we can see today, was bad rulers the elevated cruel dictators to rule whose only qualification was obedience to America Today Indochina is in Bricks and free from the US influence

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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