Crumpled Up
I had found my meaning in him
I had found the nectar I needed,
Or rather,
The glass into which I would pour
The wine emanating from my soul
So as to paint,
On life's canvas, colourful rainbows
And sparkling bridges
To walk through, so as to cross
The swampy and tricky marshlands
That this world carries!
But then, he crumpled me up
And threw me in the thrash can
Making me feel like
I am a mere nobody
Deserving not any respect,
Meant not to be taken
As a flower, even an artificial one,
Solidly rooted in a vase,
Admired by one and all, as long
As I shall be maintained but meant
Nevertheless, to be thrown in the
Attic, being not of any use, when the time
Shall ring at its set hour!
I had found my world in him,
But now, I wish to give myself
A new birth, one which shall spell out
That the purpose that I had found
Is of no meaning and no use
And that rather,
I am to use the body that carries me
To make of this world,
A fairer one, devoid of social ills
Tattooed upon its face, being so like
An infected abscess, slowly killing it!
To say that I have been able to move on
Is like pretending the skies turn pink
At the onset of dawn
But then
Do people on Earth live without weights
Bearing upon their hearts?
Do people ever come here to enjoy of life's pleasures?
And if such be the case,
Then I shall have to go upon my path
As a solo Queen, having an inner strength
Given to me by the skies themselves
And carrying in my backpack,
Cures, needed by one and all
Even if my heart shall remain
A dark and brooding one!
Written on 9th Jan 2021
Copyright © Anoucheka Gangabissoon | Year Posted 2021
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