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Creation According To Genesis

Poet's Notes

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Among the theories of origins, the Genesis account stands as chief, Logical, coherent, and concise, among its peers it stands in stark relief, Its poetic style, elegant literary structure, and distinctive motif, Contribute to an account that for millions today still inspire belief. The astronauts of Apollo 8, on the eve of the celebration of Christ’s birth, Read the words, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” These words form the foundation for the account of creation that is to follow, And as you read the narrative you will discover it does not sound hollow. On day one of creation, God almighty commanded light to appear and it did, And as he beheld the light he had just created, my God was so delighted, Then by his might he separated the darkness from the light, Naming the light part Day and the part with the darkness Night. On day two of creation, the record states tt God created the firmament, And as a good parent would sometimes do to prevent any future argument, He separated the waters that were above from waters that were below, At the end of day two of creation everything is very perfect and mellow. God was not done with the waters that were below the firmament, He felt that they needed further arrangement. On day three, he gathered them together the Seas to birth, And caused dry land to appear which he named Earth. The naked earth needed some clothing in His estimation, So, on day three God created all the beautiful vegetation. He spoke and from the earth came grasses and herbs of all description, Flowering and fruit bearing trees that evoke admiration and cause salivation. The Creator knew that the dark firmament would be a very dismal sight, Therefore, on day four the stars were made the firmament to give light. A lesser light, the moon, was created to dominate the sky at night, And a greater light, the sun by day, to rule the heaven with its might. Being a God of variety, on day five of creation he added some new features, At his command, the waters teemed with a vast array of living creatures. He designated the vast space between earth and sky, A playground where birds and other winged creatures can fly. Day six was to be the time for the Creator’s crowning act, He carefully scooped up some earth and with great tact, He created the man Adam in his own image, then with a rib from his side, God made the woman Eve, that the two will forever in his presence abide. Creation was completed and it was time for God to cease creating and rest, So, he declared everything good, and the seventh day sanctified and blest. And since the number seven is a symbol of His quintessence, He decided to fill the seventh day with His divine holy presence.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/29/2020 8:24:00 AM
Splendid writing, David. You have heartfelt essence your structured account. Appreciate the rhyme line ends which go beyond the usual easy rhyme words. Keen to check more of your work now.
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David Richmond
Date: 5/31/2020 9:35:00 AM
Thank you Jasmine for your encouraging words and for the interest this poem generated for my other poems. I hope you find them to be equally interesting.

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