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Creating Communion

Communications among organic creations of sacred EarthMother are overwhelmingly rooted in nonverbal nonviolent communion Complex evidence of things within relationships of feeling and touch, creatures seen and heard, recreations smelled and tasted, cognitive awareness of purpose and intuitive integrity for meaning sacred smooth full-wombed woked mindedness We are, together, at our best, on and in and for and of Earth's rest in solidarity play day, compassionate communion of verbal humane purposes and nonverbal divine meaning unspoken yet repurposing Compassion's enchanting communion turns movement into dance, reincarnates muses into instruments of recreative music, covers ecofeminist songs of indigenous wisdom, evokes birdsong joy and pensive grey choired mourning, shushes ebbing and sloshes inhaling surf, murmurs in babbling brooks, capital infested crooks speaking suffering sibilant servants. Nonverbal communion does not bring roaring evidence for falsely claimed wealth risks against universal democratic health. Sacred integrity proposes a good faith alternative to zero-sum win-lose competitive compromised organic trust. Earth's meaningful richly resonant robustly resilient Tribes nonverbally know, regeneratively believe, feel with redundant cultural integrity Our univocally global economic need to advance ecologically healthy opportunity While minimizing unwealthy unwise partisan disempowering risks to this profoundly communing politically living regenerative planet for verbal and nonverbal persons, quieter peaceful plants, and all sentient incorporations organically communicating, communing beings health becoming True purposive effects and Beautiful meaning full yet soundlessly nonverbal causes felt as sacred needed and positively wanted co-passionate co-operative communicating green EarthMother communion.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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