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Create My Heart

Create my heart, create my heart fore it is reborn, care for it, caress it, make it as joyful to your extent, you are the only one that can move my joy. Kiss me, kiss me and never pull away, how I enjoy your beautiful love touch, how I earned your love is beyond me, just be close to me and only that is what I desire, such warmth at a cold time, how it changes my every action with such warmth. We may separate at times but our warmth shall remain the same, you are close to me by heart and how I hear your pound as it beats louder and louder when I approach you with a plan for us. Us is who we are and never I or you and you create my heart to your desires, as I to you, create my heart my love, times change and I don't want to lose you, create my heart.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 11/8/2011 6:58:00 AM
Congratulations on your well deserving poem being featured this week Eduardo. Love, Carol
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Date: 11/5/2011 7:17:00 AM
* “Twoud Be Easy to Envy Something Sooo Beautifully Expressed * My Dear Precious Eduardo * But There No Envy In Love * Just Joy, Dreams & Beautiful Things * Things Which Create Our Hearts Anew * Collecting Faves Today * Your Beautiful Poetry Is One of They * Luv Always * Sarah.” *
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Date: 11/4/2011 4:46:00 PM
Wow, such passion. I wish you put it into the form of a poem, but you really went all out on the emotion here, well done. I hope it lasts!   -KMD
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