Create a White Soil
I am black and you
are white... of course;
my blood is red, what
colour is yours?
I am an African, you are an
The Sun is my skin,
why do you tan?
''I am white, you are
black'', well said!
I have one head, have
you got 'dash' heads?
Oh you are well read,
you swim in books,
from where comest
these niggas in thy nooks?
I am black, you are a
Briton; that's right,
your speech sparkles
like stars at twilight.
You have two hands
and one high heart,
why crave this my
ancient African art?
I am black, I have this
simple sack,
Hey whiteman,
it seems you do not
I live in a hut, built
on a humble hill,
I see those misiles in
your power mill.
I am black, you are
white, that'swow!
You did not create
your skin-colour...why
You call mea monkey,
I eat sweet Bananas,
You look like a racist
with lustuous lacunas.
I am black, yet in my
eyes I see the stars,
from your white skies; you
see but scars...
You are so different,
why do you lament,
I am indifferent, you sound
like... accident!
I am black, but you are in a
black list,
You seem to be a
terrorist, yes a racist!
We will all be burried
someday... in a black soil,
create a white soil,
it is worth the toil!
Copyright © Adeleke Adeite | Year Posted 2013
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