Crappy Day
Ya get up outta bed
Pick what to wear
Brush your teeth
In the mirror you stare
Get the kids moving
Whining all the way
This is just the start
Of my crappy day
Trip over the dog
Run into the wall
Stub your big toe
Swollen and all
Run out of hot water
Shampoo in your hair
The cat pees on
What you were suppose to wear
Get to the truck
A flat tire no less
Dig out the jack
Now, black on my dress
On the highway
Listening to some pop
Pretty lights behind me
It's a cop
Bat my eyelashes
He let's me walk
Get to work late
Here comes the boss for a talk
It's only 8 in the morning
I'm ready for a nap
The rest of the day
Was the same 'ol crap!
Copyright © Teresa Harr-Pena | Year Posted 2007
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