Covid Isolation
Covid Isolation
The great unraveling of all that seems to matter
Like a giant ball of yarn
Knit together into something new.
Systems put in place
Lay broken at our feet.
Idols come crashing down from their high and mighty place
Isolation, defeat and devastation
Day after day
Week after week
Powers that be...take control
Endless rules and regulations
Closures all around
Eerie silence in the streets
As rebellion rises up
Glorious sunshine dispels the gloom
Nature does not skip a beat
Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly
New realities emerge
The whole world arises
As a new day, dawns…
God is on His throne
The knitting is complete
Wills are broken and bent
Covid 19 knows no mercy
Collateral damage unfolds
Let the grieving begin
As we cautiously step forward
And new hope arises.
Grace Daub May 4, 2020
Copyright © Grace Daub | Year Posted 2020
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