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Covid-19: Undeniable Fact

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Covid-19 (Undeniable Fact) Law of the Jungle survival of the fittest nature’s intention.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 11/20/2021 12:20:00 PM
Hello Denis Spilchuk, lets hope the Covid 19 takes a hike and leaves. It has been around too long. Enjoy your day my friend.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 11/21/2021 11:23:00 AM
Hello Denis, Denis, i do not think children should be used as guinea pigs when it comes to something serious as this Covid 19 illness. They should have another type of meds for children that would really work . Enjoy your day my friend.
Spilchuk Avatar
Dennis Spilchuk
Date: 11/20/2021 3:10:00 PM
One would think that after the misuse, overuse, and abuse of legally prescribed medications such as antibiotics, painkillers, and antidepressants, etc., and their negatives effects in the long term, that we’d learn our lesson. Apparently not. And now it’s “faux” covid-19 vaccines, that's why it’s called an experimental drug, and now using it on children like guinea pigs!

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