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Cousin Jean

From my smartphone fear rings through knock, rattle, hospital hospice sounds We connect. Tonight all I can think about is your voice, Jean. The last call. Vibrations continue fading ivory white and black keys notes play out on Dakota land snow and deep deep holes from roots dug out.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 10/21/2024 3:53:00 PM
If "Dakota land" means you're "Indigenous" then, being a so-called "Hispanic", we share a point of camaradery as American Beings of another stripe. "All Men", as expressed in their "Founding Values", the equi•valence underpinning the moral character of a people is unequivocal to the character of their single God! Flung to Earth as equal creatures, and not one moment later able to agree on what is good or evil.
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Date: 1/7/2024 6:58:00 PM
This is so sad. Sorry for the loss of many years and the heart'aching memories.
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Date: 3/5/2020 8:42:00 PM
It's hard to see our loved ones go through difficult times. Great poem, Tamra.
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Amato Avatar
Tamra Amato
Date: 3/6/2020 3:02:00 AM
Line, Thanks again for commenting on another poem. You are so right about how hard it is to see our loved ones go through difficult times. Writing helps me and your comment too. Best wishes, Tamra

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