Cosmology and Scientists On My Mind
Earth has no special vantage point
Even in the Milky Way village
We see as we would from Andromeda
Scientists do measurements, math
But none knows the when, why, who?
At the start, before Laws, before big bang
Now, if expanding universe, speeds up too
The when and why become clearer
After the first quarter of 12 billion years
The mass in dark energy exceeded all
So, it seems each universe sits atop
A black hole, warping in time space fabric
As do each universe, every universe
And it could go on for Eternity
Excuse me Dr. Guth, but cosmic inflation
Sounds like explanations, yet confusion
Why all laws of physics would go away
So you might give us a bang in the big bang
Copyright © Anil Deo | Year Posted 2022
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