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The summer day is so hot friends stay away. I can picture them- like me- leaning into open refrigerators and freezers with frozen chicken, hamburger, Minute Maid. We breathe the air and fan the coolness into ourselves. We are not at all thinking of wives or children who try to sleep in the heat. These moments are only for us, the stolen coolness for us. The appliance for food, the cool air, accidental. We stay apart until the sun fades and then with bottles of beer begin our exaggerations each one.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 12/23/2021 11:44:00 AM
Sounds like Fresno to me. I can relate and remember the chickens walking around with open beaks and wings lifted off their bodies trying to cool themselves down. That kind of heat you never forget…120 in the shade under a tree until the old outside thermometer breaks from the mercury going too high. You express it well in your poem Doug. Holiday blessings
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