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Conversation With Thyself

I was born in this world, Thousands of natures bounty are accepted with my two hands. In the garden of life I am a grain seed, The seed that wants to establish the Peace Bridge among mankind. I am always affected by the flash of lightning, Hundreds of thousands of obstacles I am facing. Try to make shower my mind with silent rain, It seems that there is power falling from the sky. Wind and the sound of lightning hit me repeatedly, How can people stand in this storm! My mind is really quite surprising; It has lots of patience to admit suffering, I also felt the need for love, So, looking for shelter, Where will my love boat be anchored? I think so by day and at night. I took 20 thorns to touch the rose; I got a little bit of pain, But as often as this pain inceases- The light of hope in my heart is increase as fast as possible.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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