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Conversation With a Geriatric

Our conversation were like children feet Running up the village lane Our friendship kiting our words, no discrete Babble, nothing thought as vain The suddenly our meanings turn this corner A little groan, another complaint The sudden sense the body has gotten older A stiff joint, a discomfort faint Someplace in a leg, stomach or the shoulder The sudden closing of the blinds And a shivering sense the wind is colder Despite the summer of our minds Then the yelling went out from us, the voice Soft, almost regretful, became In memories and wishes our hearts rejoice Our flesh is too old for the game.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 10/6/2010 5:48:00 PM
I enjoyed reading this as usual of your work. I'm left a bit uncertain as to who 'we' are. Two geriatrics maybe? A geriatric whose body has grown too old to contain the perceived youth of his mind? Or maybe a man visiting an aging relative in a long term care facility? I'm going to go with the 2nd option, it feels more 'right'. A very thought-provoking piece, love.
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