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Continuation Regarding Lunatic Roosting Inside Me Noggin Iii

Please pardon mine assertion I dared to surmise familiarity with me, an avid reader and prolific writer (mainly to appease personal pleasure) thus upon embarking upon reaching out, your curiosity piqued. Daily onslaught from schoolyard punkish bullies ace thus, storybooks provided haven to experience liberation cowardice, fearfulness, insecurity low opinion regarding base sic selfhood writ large upon, this then diminutive carapace, I firmly believe stunted growth with me hallowed face non-verbal passive behavior ideal fodder did grace for carnivorous, ferocious, incredulous, and malicious preface to young adulthood oppressing quiet soul as if race sing existence qua Wounded Knee leg uss see (possibly trace sub bull during fertilization, conception, and accruing gestation within, what would become a ways trill womb did) fetal wretch. Mailer daemons choked bravery absent courage did endear grievous inner mission self-starvation parents did fear, (which evolved via gradations) omitting first one repast to share then two, and finally declining sustenance into a lad opting to die butta as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) this then puny guy became top priority, and my mother resorted to whipping high lee nutritious concoctions in tandem with giving me iron injections

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