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Contemplating the Blind Date

I think this is perfection, the feelings I've grown to know, But if they are not, please, someone tell me so. The words are all just what I need to hear, They give me joy and cause no fear. If I should step across this line Will I be safe, will I be fine? It's to a point that I don't care It feels so good I can't despair. If I worry anymore I'm sure I'll end up on the floor. I'm tired of sadness, grief and toil. My head and heart start to boil. I need this break just to get by I am going take a chance with this guy. Please let it be real and let it be true But if it ends as a friendship, I'm happy too.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 4/22/2021 7:35:00 PM
Good luck with it. I hope everything turns out well.
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Date: 4/13/2021 2:47:00 PM
Take that step and give it a shot. Lovely poem, Virginia. Cheers!
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Date: 4/13/2021 11:47:00 AM
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained" Aloha! Rico
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Gelok Avatar
Virginia Gelok
Date: 4/13/2021 2:42:00 PM
as long as one has the confidence and a couple sons to protect is fun. I actually lucked out with an amazing artist who now encourages me to not be afraid of doing what I enjoy. Like you say "nothing ventured, nothing gained" Thanks for your comments
Date: 4/13/2021 10:55:00 AM
Hello Viginina, it would be nice to end in a friendship. If it does end with another date. Enjoy your day my friend.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 4/14/2021 11:04:00 AM
Hello Viginina,you are lucky to have found someone in your life.One day i hope to find a special person in my life to. enjy your day my friend.
Gelok Avatar
Virginia Gelok
Date: 4/13/2021 2:38:00 PM
it is real and it began in a marvelous relationship and commitment 14 years ago. I am with an amazing artist (painting) and a very gentle , heart-warming man. Thanks for your comment and btw I've enjoyed so much more than I could have hoped for.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry