Constant Vaccination
Constant vaccination
I miss you all the time
You are not around Me
Thank God for hard times
Sometimes life bless one
When you are so down
And you were my blessings
You are a gift from the universe
You are the sun that brighten
My life
You are my moon
At the dark night of my days
Am so full of your love
Thank you for loving me
Cos your love gives me cure like a
Constant vaccination
Constant vaccination
I have always knew
That I was lucky
The day we meet proves
Me so right
When I set my eyes on you
I was fulfilled
I was satisfied
Cos I saw the beauty
With in you
I saw your pretty humour
I noticed how you were
So dear and respectful
I must be the luckiest
Cos your love give me cure like a
Constant vaccination
Copyright © Richard Nnoli | Year Posted 2021
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