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Confessions of a Terrorist...

Behind the dark walls of the prison, Hiding my face from all in my vision, Abandoned by my bosses,the terror leads, I wait to be hanged for my misdeeds. Now I look back to think…. Important member of the Al-Qaeeda,I was, Given tasty food, and rigorous training by my boss, I was taught “muslims are harassed round the world, To help them, grenades and bombs ,I have to hurl. Arms and ammunitions to me they gave, To destroy the world, the path they paved. Rigorous physical training I was given, On the path of “Jihad’I was driven. I felt …”me, a class four dropout from school, To a fidayeen…oh so cool.” With pots of money l was lured, A place in paradise..I was assured. Reading the terror email from the Mujahideen, I was all charged up and excited to become a fidayeen. With the ammunitions, I was on my way, On the path of destruction that they laid. “Explode bombs, shoot and kill”, They said “that is what was Allah’s will.” An obedient student I was in their list, Little did I realize I was a dangerous terrorist! As I killed and killed and shed innocent blood, Suddenly, I was shot and I fell down ..thud! Interrogations by cops continued endlessly on me, Confusing the cops,I waited for Al-qaeeda to rescue me. To my rescue, none from Al Qaeeda came, Hated worldover a terrorist I became! No one would come I felt I was misled! I silently wept. Jihad would never get me paradise, Fallen in eyes of Allah, I will never ever rise. I am unable to bear this and want to die, And face Allah ? In fear and shame I cry. I neither can live nor die in peace , Forgive me Allah, I cried on my knees. Old, young, man woman, child I randomly killed, Was this by Allah, in me instilled? I repent and feel am cursed by all,to hell I shall go, What mass destruction on earth have I done? Oh! I have now to face all those I murdered, What do I answer them, I ponder. Spread love and peace is the message of God, I have now learnt the message of the Lord. I confess ..”Jihad and terrorism are hated by god,” I sincerely beg “Forgive me all, forgive me Lord!!” Kindly note :If anyone wants to comment on my poem, kindly note that I am not a terrorist. This poem is written by me as a message to all the terrorists in the world that peace and love is what god wishes.The inspiration is from the recent attacks in Mumbai.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 1/9/2010 3:43:00 PM
Congratulations on your poem being featured this week on the Soup, Rima! I am also very happy that you have repented and asked forgiveness for the wrong you have done. Thanks for sharing your heart with us! Peace and love, Audrey
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Date: 1/9/2010 12:26:00 AM
Congratulations on having your poem featured. Quite a poem! I glad you found salvation.
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Date: 1/6/2010 2:21:00 AM
A very good piece of poetry.I love the way the message is portrayed=first the background, then the realization of the truth.Every person is a creation of God, and people dont have the right to judge on His behalf.I like this poem and made it a favorite. It does deserve to be featured, congrats. Gidds.
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Date: 1/5/2010 9:09:00 AM
Many congratulations on your fine poetry being featured this week, Happy New Year to you >> James
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Date: 1/4/2010 8:37:00 PM
You brought much suffering around you by hatred. Everyone has a conscience and should know that the way to make a point across is not with a gun. I feel sorry for you. If you now feel remorse and repentant, it must be hell. You have to pray every single day of your life for all the people you've hurt and their families...
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Date: 1/4/2010 8:37:00 PM
It is good that you realized the extent of your misdeeds while in this life. It's much worse a situation in the afterlife. Your poem was well written. Congrats on being featured this week. Your sister in God, Caroline.
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Date: 1/4/2010 3:38:00 AM
Congratulations on your poetry being featured this week Rima. May you have may more. Love, Carol
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Date: 5/4/2009 8:56:00 AM
Well written but terrorists are no kids that they can be mislead... they know everything. They are just goddamned sadists, nothing else. Everyone realizes their mistakes when things turn on them. If given a chance man will rule the world, but when you snatch power from him, he will kneel and cry and beg for mercy. Shame on them...and may they get the worst and the damndest death for killing innocent people.
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Date: 5/3/2009 11:39:00 AM
Rima, my belated congrats in making the semi finals...Raul
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Date: 4/22/2009 9:28:00 AM
Powerful write here ... sounds like Marine bootcamp at one point ... LOL ... I have nothing but pity and sorrow for people who think they have to use a gun to get a point across regardless of what they are called or what religion they are. Good luck in the contest and keep up your great writing!!
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Date: 4/17/2009 11:11:00 PM
Life is unfair, innocent people die when they're supposed to live in prosperity and peace. I think Muhammad made a true statement though I'm not actually a Muslim and know not of the true facts in Holy Quraan, but i believe that all religions spread love and peace in a way or another. We say Allah Mahabba (God is LOVE) so surely not a single man has the right to say "i'm killing in Allah's name" Great Write :) and Congrats on ur poetry making it to semi finals. Love, Yara.
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Date: 4/15/2009 10:16:00 AM
Rima, Congrats on your remarkably elegant poem having won semi-finals- a beautiful write. I wish you victory in the final round. Let me clear a misconception. Jihad and terrorism is not one and the same thing. Jihad cannot be equated with terrorism. Jihad is a holy war declared by a legitimate State or Government against aggression. Jihad cannot be declared by an individual or a clandestine organization or group. You may include a line or two to this effect in your poem to improve it. -Mohammad
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Date: 4/9/2009 1:20:00 PM
Congratulations on your poetry making it in the semi finals Rima. Wishing you the best of luck in the finals. Love, Carol
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Date: 4/5/2009 10:07:00 AM
Rima - Congratulations on your poetry making it through the first round, best of luck in the finals – God Bless, MJ
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Date: 4/4/2009 8:51:00 PM
this is great! i love your message.. i wish those concerned would read the vioce of a poet crying for peae and tranquility. i will add you and this poem to my favourite list. please don't stop writing to make the world a better place. the verses speak volume: congrat on a well deseverd first round survival. wishing you all the best in the finals. love Leke
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