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Concerto In Soul Major -

Art from the heart, a religion of ritual, where One summons God and glory to center stage, your spirit enriched by the self confidence that ensues as inspiration smells like cedar and feels like sanctity, the physics of mystics in an eye the mind won't deny, whence a penny is a prize with a wish to ventilate a voice of sensitive wisdom, sensational seeing into the human condition, visions of vinegar in virtue, visciousness in victory, mercy in the face of malignancy, pleasure in the panic of risk, pain in the placid avoidence of adventure, securing an ownership in a Universe from our births unto burials worshiping composition and the partnership it represents, Vermeer & Vivaldi, Beehtoven & Bosch, amatuer & adept, feeling like an angel with demon bones, fusing two atmospheres together, a holy parade of brazen beliefs putting a new world in order for all, a micro euphoria, a macro excitment, accomplishment ambrosia, happiness warm and wakeful in hearts pumping for promise, for a covenant crafted in a workshop outfitted for you, for what you were ment to do, volunteering to be a lightning rod of a Goddess crazed with passion, a power placed in One's fibers for maximum purpose by a trusting Deity, raise humanity's awareness to the truth that existence is an exercise in artistry, faith framing futurity within the purity of knowing that I am where I belong, I belong where I am - J.A.B.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 1/22/2014 10:14:00 AM
Justin, this is one of my first expressions, by every morning... To accept the world as it comes, and make the best of it... Through God, I know I am where I belong, I belong where I am... Well done,, enjoyed this even more this time around... Linda
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Bordner Avatar
Justin Bordner
Date: 1/23/2014 1:36:00 AM
I am so very grateful that we both belong to Poetry's promise my Sphinx. J.A.B.
Date: 1/13/2014 5:02:00 PM
Every gpod can be tainted with bad..Yet.mercy can do miracles..Sometimes we need to.have mercy with ourselves firdt..Realizing We are were we belong and we belong where We are.A thought ptovoking poem..Excellent :.)Charma
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Justin Bordner
Date: 1/14/2014 12:49:00 AM
You are my favorite Maltessan poet Charma. Thank you for finding the light in this poem. Your analysis is harmonic. J.A.B.
Date: 9/5/2013 1:53:00 AM
Justin, how have I not visited you before? I'm so sorry to have missed your work. This is so deep on so many levels...It's hard to comment intelligibly when it still has me reeling. I connect to what Laura mentioned..the angel with devil bones. Strange...We all have that dichotomy of good and bad inside us...and much more of interest in this piece. Glad I got to return your visit...After eons...sorry!
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Justin Bordner
Date: 9/5/2013 2:45:00 PM
I'm patient for heartbeats such as your Eileen - great nanlysis my friend - dichotomy only exist if we persist in resist; fusion makes harmony and says goodbye to illmanaged anger - this write is all about personal religion, personal salvation - J.A.B. %
Date: 8/30/2013 4:41:00 PM
I also must admire your most colorful title. It really caught my attention. A harmonious poem, quite like a piece of music that was put together amazingly well. Always, Laura
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Breidenthal Avatar
Laura Breidenthal
Date: 9/2/2013 4:10:00 PM
The beauty is all you, Justin! ~Laura
Bordner Avatar
Justin Bordner
Date: 9/1/2013 2:41:00 PM
Your beauty motivates me my friend - J.A.B. %
Date: 8/30/2013 4:40:00 PM
Very interesting composition Justin.. "feeling like an angel with demon bones, fusing two atmospheres together" ...I can relate to it, though there is something far higher than me here. beautiful piece. I am always in awe of your work. What is art without the heart? It is a very satisfactory thing, knowing you belong where you are.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 9/1/2013 2:41:00 PM
You understand me so completely Laura, thank you - J.A.B. %
Date: 8/23/2013 9:57:00 PM
A very enlightening and inspirational piece magnified by a thousand...amazing. I found so many favorite lines. Reads like getting hit with a lightening bolt.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 8/24/2013 2:00:00 PM
Elated that I am capable of stimulating your powerful mind Karen - sometimes love is a lightning bolt - thanks for the happiness Karen - J.A.B. %
Date: 8/16/2013 3:20:00 PM
we are who we are and need not change a thing, such a lovely write you have here with such spirit that brings hope to humanity, enjoyed your write, Always, ~Love, Linda
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Justin Bordner
Date: 8/18/2013 2:02:00 PM
Hapy that you have connected with the spirit of this composition PD. - this write contain two important messages my Sphinx, 1. That the Universe belongs to those who are willing and capable of giving to it mindfully as well as receiving respectfully what It has to proffer - 2. Our Art makes a religion of us - with love and respect, J.A.B. %

Book: Reflection on the Important Things