Concepts of Happiness
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Aphorism hinders ancillary terrible dilemmas,
In the bearing session, I have been picked.
If I've carried out the most striking edemas,
Approaching all them might be kicked.
Living has scored the highest goal of my life.
Drilling entails helping others with adversity.
Tried some of our lives reading how to rife.
How is it annoying to issue the miscellany?
I haven't had to swallow long-term memory.
By proving that hopeless feeling into words.
As vital as this work is, I grasp its own purity.
My path in life changed clearly as I can record.
Each way of life stirs love, trust, and veracity.
Retain that life is too brief to live indifferently.
Written: May 24, 2022
Copyright © Sotto Poet | Year Posted 2022
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