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Con Brio-Vaudeville Playaz

Don't forget to remove the Bay leaves from the pot. Make it easier on yourself put the bay leaves and rosemary sprig in a cheese cloth. I'm in most incline to agree yet some deemed them useless almond ash and hickory ash was used to create a super strong aroma. Pungent and earth friendly. TENUTO___ The Zoomies a group of five songstresses Clutter ( a Contralto Alto) Clowder ( Contralto Soprano) Glaring ( Mezzo- soprano) Pounce ( the Soprano) Bunting(Contralto) allorubbing glissando tremolo trill. Piano! Piano! Staccato< paino an detached and fast tempoed! She detached her relationship to be seen as more uncaring toward the male gender. She said such allowed her to negotiate from being lesser involved from actually being responsible inside a fully functional relationship. The legend goes that 1n 1887 at a festival somewhere unknown. A group of Women who were hired to perform and were allowed to have concessions. The woman (The Zoomies) were fixing to serve up some delicious foods. An inspection by a local there who looked troubles in the face with a laugh, came up to the head cook in the busy campground. He told the woman she better take those bay leaves out of the soup before someone starts complaining. The woman didn't take to kindly to this citified person turning his nose up at her with an order. She sat the hot pot on the piano (according to legend) She went down in her blouse, and pulled out her mini firecracker canon and launch a firecracker at the visiting chef. It's said the shoot knocked off the gentlemen's top hat. People thought it was part of the show. * Point of Reference- The guy is said to have come up to the stage while more then 50 people( paying customers) were there and said "the rat and kitty stew smell like beef: that b*tch better not forget to take the BAY LEAVES outta the pot" Another legend is said that 6 woman singer corner the fella and stood above him and releived there selves. Ans said while the guy was enjoying his supper a woman reached down in her blouse and pulled out her breast and asked the man did he want her to make it a french creame soup!"

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