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Completely Efficient

Every instinct was crying out to her, not to leave the child at the door, new born, she cannot care for, she still was deep in her heart playing a risky game, really didn’t want to be apart, and she never gave the infant a name. Suddenly, as she sat and watched through a dense fog, the owner let out her dogs, all six of them as far as she can see, the young mother’s perplexed expression, as she fell to one knee, watched the dogs attack, infant crying, her tears drying, serenity lovely thoughts entered, then exiting, silence filled the air, confusion fueled the fear, and the dogs were completely efficient.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 4/24/2009 9:30:00 AM
this woman couldnt care for her child how could she not love a child,if she was sick she needed help,if she was careless,she needed to be scolded real hard-you make me be a part of your stories,so deeply written-bravo
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