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Compendium of Haiku

On the wind,a bell Muffled from across the square Raindrops fill the air on the lawn as summer draws to its close lily petals timeworn kissing-gate swinging- eternally hitched to you my heartfelt love shadows in the sky- fluttering across my eye a brown butterfly the country stile hedged the wild flower meadow where I sit awhile he dusted the album- a memory of love trickled down his cheek out of the blue the honey bee sings with delight nearby in sunshine a blackberry blossoms winter's summer pudding in the silence my thoughts plod the path of yesteryear In my old calendar her yesterdays- in tears I reminesce waters of Spring in the paddy field- green shoots in my heart

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 6/15/2019 7:05:00 AM
Wow Brian, what a great list of haiku's. Loved them all. BTW thank you so much for my high placement in your latest contest...much appreciated. Have a nice weekend. ~Charlie
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Brian Strand
Date: 6/15/2019 7:39:00 AM
Cheers Charlie

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry