The twinkle of an eye
blinks in the same time span as a bullet fired
and the casing hitting the floor
Birds’ wings flutter at different speeds
but a hummingbird’s wings are much faster
a cow’s skull hangs suspended from a vein from the gut of a cat
But a good life is found wherever one can find it
as flowers can grow anywhere
I like gardenias best, my favorite
In Las Vegas two crows sit on a well lit sign of a casino
a child asks his father do we have enough to eat
the father huddled in a drainage pipe says, “Yes, we do.”
A child in Ethiopia asks his father
will I have something to eat tonight, daddy
his father answers, “No, maybe tomorrow.”
Life in general is full of anomalies
Americans' world knowledge of real life is limited
And so it seems is compassion in many of its citizens.
Copyright © Norberto Franco Cisneros | Year Posted 2024
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