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Colorfilled Smoke Part 1

Oh colorfilled smoke, fill my lungs. Sweetness of taste lingering on my lips. Soft, I float - upon gentle clouds I sit. I wish my sweet brother, know thy, of this. Confess to him I would my regrets, and wish our friendship could mend once again. Express to him that my heart aches too - her poison filled mine lips, and I drunk like a fool. Together, we would share the heartbreak. Together we would escape. Old plans fallen apart, once she tore in half his heart, and we lost all the energy we made. As if we had burned every Shakespeare play. Oh what a tragedy, I could laugh at the satire, or cry at the misery. Poor fools we were made. Jezebelle though she steals our hearts, filled with lust we pulled ourselves apart - she rips and breaks the heart of men, and trust, she takes great joy and pride. Oh brother mine, she broke you too. That evil witch, that evil demoness, she played you like a fool. Bewitched your heart, your eyes followed her, every move. She kissed your lips, her poison seeping in, you touched her like you knew. She touched your face, pulled you into a warm embrace, and sucked your soul from your heart. Pity her, her sad life played, how could you not - she was in such pain. And it, every word of that, was true. The devil played her, like a fool.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 5/17/2014 11:51:00 PM
Magnificent WRITING... bravo to you.... amazing very line.. every word... I am going to read part two now Brooke
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Date: 5/9/2014 1:16:00 AM
Let us be not fools in flight, nor strangers in love's plight, avenge ourselves in compassion's might. A most dark and dire write, exquisite sorrow, masterful ink on the edge of wounded emotion. We share, we live together. J.A.B.
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