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Coldest Winter

The Weather People say it surely has been A couple of cold and snowy winter months I'm not at all pleased with this revelation Long for the days it was once Used to wonder if we'd have a green Christmas Well there sure was no question this year Would've been a miracle if it turned out green We had snowbanks up to our ears Lived in Canada since the day I was born Should be used to weather up here It's something we actually never get used to More than once I've frozen my ears Why me? Why wasn't I born down in Jamaica Walk around in shorts all day Dream on my friend, think of this Could've lived near Hudson's Bay © Jack Ellison 2014

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 1/14/2014 11:23:00 AM
Adopt a few penguins! They'll add fun back to all that winter wonderland. We had 13 inches of snow with drifting and it shut the city down. Just not used to it here. But the broken water mains and pot holes are normal. You should have seen those penguins with the broken water mains! They jumped in the middle of it and soared 30 feet in the air... SEE! Penguins CAN TO FLY!... Or so Dragon told me! SMART ALEC Dragon! The trolls were running around trying to catch them before they landed on their heads!
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Ellison Avatar
Jack Ellison
Date: 1/14/2014 11:29:00 AM
YIKES!!! 13 inches of snow! Ugggghhh! WE're going through a mild spell but that freezing crap is once again not very far off! Hang in there... XOXOX
Eastman Avatar
Carol Eastman
Date: 1/14/2014 11:26:00 AM
It was all Dragon's idea... I have no doubt... LOL...

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