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Clinical Death

You do not care and now I can't feel. How unlike the situation between us, we both have changed but we do not reveal. Under social esteem, we both are dealing with no emotions left perhaps and less appealing. How unknown we have become but we hardly reveal. Perhaps that's how emotions breathe their last breath! Born by the adrenaline finally into the hands of psychiatrists a clinical death. Now medicine calms my nerves and brain cells, but these used to be calmed by long-distance kisses and your essence. Once the vows we had taken for eternity are now the prisoner of maturity. We have become the perfect social component: that we like each other on social sites but the conversation never starts again! Now medicines give me that relief that I used to get from long conversations and fell asleep. But you had to die a premature death as you were becoming heavy in my mind and I couldn't breathe. Therefore I buried you alive in the core of my heart, but my feelings were not fallen apart. At last, my emotions breathe their last breath in the hands of psychiatrists, a clinical death.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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