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Climate Warming

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1. Rumor has it on heavens above Among the angels’ divine sphere That God after very much though Decided in man’s life to interfere 2. For He has observed Man’s mistakes Which lately too many came to be To endanger the whole of creation Act with which God can never agree 3. So the Lord has most recently chosen The book of life before long to reprint Revising certain of its very old chapters While others out will leave, He has hint 4. The concern of humans is now to know Which chapters the book will not contain, Which are going to be, somehow, revised And which intact will forever remain 5. What was heard through the vine though, It was Man’s huge and unbearable vanity That made our almighty Lord and creator To finally exclude the chapter of humanity 6. The reason our God in His infinitive wisdom Reached such unexpected for Mankind conclusion Is the fact that Man during his reign on earth Has hurt our planet with his insensitive intrusion 7. It might still be time for Man overall to be saved If he started correcting his many mistakes soon Beginning by respecting life and the whole planet And stop behaving like a dim-witted buffoon. © Demetrios Trifiatis 06 July 2021 *The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 2.12 degrees Fahrenheit (1.18 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, Most of the warming occurred in the past 40 years, with the seven most recent years being the warmest. Last week temperatures in Canada rose to 50 Celcius and more than 50 Celcius in Siberia. ** According to UN “We are in an era where climate change isn’t some kind of future hypothetical, ” and that “Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by it."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 7/7/2021 1:23:00 AM
Idiots driven by greed and recklessness, God gave us a beautiful place to live, shame that we have to share it with morons. When will they see the light? Greetings from Wales. Tom
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 7/7/2021 3:22:00 AM
You are missed, my friend Tom! Have a ...whale of a time! Blessings. Thank you for caring!
Date: 7/6/2021 12:18:00 PM
- Climate change has dramatic consequences for the whole world - Today we know a lot about what is technically possible of measures that can reduce climate emissions, but we know less about what it takes to implement them - A top current topic great written, my friend :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 7/7/2021 1:22:00 AM
Thank you for caring, my dearest friend Anne-Lise. Hugs xxx
Date: 7/6/2021 10:47:00 AM
Such a powerful write with a deep meaning... Climate change is really a serious issue, but the people have not fathomed the seriousness and you have beautifully described through your words of wisdom...
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 7/6/2021 11:48:00 AM
How could we save the planet and ourselves, if we do not believe that our planet and ourselves are in danger? I am really concerned when I see only three good people up to now that care. Thank you very much for caring dearest Supraja. The good Lord who sees everything may has mercy upon us all. God bless you for your kindness! Hugs xxx
Date: 7/6/2021 7:52:00 AM
Exceptional writing, dear friend Demetrios; you have touched on a very important issue for humanity and the existential issues on planet Earth; indeed, global warming is felt in all four corners of our beautiful planet, and we appear to have no power to reverse or stop it. Blessings and kindest regards
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 7/6/2021 8:33:00 AM
I think it is the most important issue at this time because our future and that of the planet is at stake. However, indifferent the world looks on, without realizing what is coming towards us. When catastrophe comes it would be impossible to put life, as we know it , on track again. Will we get serious? Thank you for caring, my friend, Lasaad. Blessings.
Date: 7/6/2021 5:05:00 AM
A tremendous write in service of humanity my friend. The world should heed your warning, Demetrios.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 7/6/2021 6:20:00 AM
God bless you for caring, my dearest friend, Vijay! " The world should heed your warning." You say, my friend. Where is the world? You and I and some few of our friends here perhaps. The world seems to care more to impress and to have fun, than the survival of our race and of our planet. It seems we deserve what is coming. Thank you for caring, once more, my good friend, Vijay! Be blessed.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things