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Climate Marching Time

Note to God of Jealous Time: Your human race exhausts ourselves and our home and our extended DNA/RNA family and our soul-soil and our blood-water flow of therapeutic life and our healthy synergetic atmosphere. What was angry memory and FearFilled imagery of exclusive pearly WhiteGated Heaven has fallen upon Earth a venial scriptured parasite with rapacious competitive intent to absorb the very last drop of hope out of economic-industrial straight light, if not perfectly white, patriarchally correct development OtheredWise predicting politically faithless degenerate futures for HereNow divestment fallen away from Your ChosenPeople Wealth of sacred imperial vestments. But, Your continuously divine intent and practice, Your recreational vocation to love each moment born of past just a bit more elationally, co-relationally, than we would without its baggaged past and yet just a bit less than its democratizing unboundaried intent toward co-invested Paradise on nondual healthy Earth Tribes advocating for cooperative root-systemic networks more than competing transcendent crowns and canopies. Why does such ecologically healthy soiled love exhaust transcendent Time's greatest lovers? How could such profound integrity so confoundedly isolate revenge within co-gravitating cooperative polypaths? divine voices pleading Integrity's changing wealth designs Could Your creative information enlightened above function in-empathic-telligence empowering below? Bending bicameral positive evolution of crowning love toward justice arc of deep-rooted therapeutic peace By struggling with, and not against, suffering dualdark angry/fearful, painful less than Paradise rebirth of post-climatic StraightWhitePrivileged Millennialism, ecstatically supporting AnthroSupremacist death. Might bright PostMillennial Gods and Goddesses of Time's incarnate body exhaustively repurpose IndigenousTribes of DNA/RNA double-binding Anthro-EcoMind? surfing bihemispheric Yang/Yin primal powers free of discontinuous enclosing prisons, unchanging closed-set, wizened metasystems suffering wild warring blows more evangelical than elational. In scientific revolutionary retrospect, positive-midway double-negatives not not sacred evolution branching speciating timeless Earth rebirth through and of and in and by and for each moment of AnthroMind's co-messianic death of fear for supremely divine EarthTime's uninhabitable absence. Completely purgative? Your universal smooth-structured metaphysique of lovely synergy, over-riding primal matriarchal relationships of understoried passion/pleasure recreation, in-between as out within each not pre- with not post-EarthTribe pan-entheistic meme Global health loving integral intuition of dipolar dialectic vocation, rolling toward hope for cooperating win/win political loves yet roiling away terrified to let win/lose go of AnthroEgo's discontinuous disintegrating decomposing divested deaths of co-infested Memory EcoNorms of God's 1A Love, democratically ubiquitous, global co-arising equity of crowning faith, yet solely present rooted tense dense passion/pleasure accessible Could We become even more bodhisattva co-passionate? CoPresent crown/roots of divine/humane bicameral apposition Becoming/Being Longing/Belonging free to change inside-wealthy/outside-healthy Tao ClimateChangingTime.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 2/18/2016 10:46:00 AM
Love the neologisms. You have a marvelous facility making words mean what you want them to mean. It's refreshing to see originality fused to a message of immanent relevance, of cohesive vision. It is obvious that you have benefited from the possession of a curious mind.
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